Power Music Feature Comparison

Compare the features available in the different editions of Power Music using the feature comparison table below. For an overview of the different features in Power Music, click here.

Power Music Essentials Power Music Professional Power Music Mac Power Music App Power Music AF
Platform PC PC Mac iPad or iPhone PC
Minimum operating system Windows 7 Windows 7 macOS 10.11 iOS 15 Windows 7
Create, edit, save and open playlists
Create and edit chord sheets
Create and edit tags (meta data)
Transpose chord sheets
Generate capo chords
Import chord sheet from text file
Import chord sheet from PDF
Import chord sheet from ChordPro/OnSong
Import sheet music from PDF
Scan sheet music directly
(using the camera)
Import multiple songs of sheet music from one PDF
Import multiple songs of sheet music from multiple PDFs
Edit sheet music pages
Create sheet music with instrumental parts
Organise songs into libraries
Print songs and lyrics
Landscape or portrait display
Display muliple pages
Create and edit annotations
(can view annotations)
Create and edit performance notes
Link an audio track
Guitar tuner
Melody search
Song database shared on network
Full Power Music Box integration
Download and upload songs and playlists
Create and edit social network links
Use social network links
Quick navigation using page number,
bar number and rehearsal marks
Foreign language support
(French and German)
International chord notation
Synchronised page turning
Support for Bluetooth page turner pedals
Support for USB page turner pedals
Song usage reporting
Pricing FREE for personal use Product Key required FREE trial &
Product Key required
 = In-app purchase
Product Key required